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Diamond Description and Inclusions:
- Diamond – Brilliant Round Cut
- 9mm x 5.7mm (measured with Jewellery Calliper
- Carat weight using SG – 2.92 Carats
- Adamantine Lustre
- No observable tint with loupe or natural light
- medium sized girdle with two chips – one possible cutter’s mark
- sharp facets on table and pavilion
- Depth percentage 63%
- Crystals on Girdle
- Possible cutter’s mark on girdle looks like fingerprint sitting under table
- Chip on edge of girdle /pavilion
- Small nicks on cutlet
- Small inclusions that glint under microscope x40<
- Wholesaler’s nicks on back of pavilion
- Small inclusion cloud seen with 10x loupe
Reference photos
Crystal on cutlet
Chip shape on cutlet pavilion
Bearding on edge of cutlet
cutlet images for 2024-130
possible cutter’s mark